This is the first episode of the new automotive series.
There are quite a few car shows on TV and the internet these days. It can be hard to keep them all straight, let alone know which are good. Add one more to the list, a new series called The Love of Cars. With just one episode out it’s already pulling away from the competition by scoring an interview with none other than Jay Leno.
Hosting the show is Justin Bell, the former racecar driver from Britain, and Tommy Kendall, the motorsports veteran from the U.S. It seems obvious this choice is an attempt to bridge the gap between European and American audiences, although you should decide for yourself how well it works. For those who already follow The Torque Show, this duo is familiar.
If you want to see just the Jay Leno interview, skip to 34:10 in the video below. Everyone seems to love Leno and it’s understandable why. He’s pretty down-to-earth and is most definitely a car guy’s car guy. The interview took place on Leno’s birthday and Bell had to get in some shots about the comedian’s affinity for denim. Thankfully, he turns the conversation back to cars, because that’s supposed to be why everyone’s watching.
The first episode of The Love of Cars is just over an hour long. That makes it good for when you have some time to burn, instead of watching The Real Housewives or some other garbage.
Basically, the concept of this show is that everyone around the world is unified through their love of cars. It’s not an unfamiliar argument and is an interesting premise. However, the real question is are all things automotive that unifying? Does it get the British and French to hold hangs and sing praises for cars? What do you think?
Also, what do you think of the show? Leave a comment below and let us know.
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