Nobody ever accused them of having good taste…
While we definitely have our fair share of car thievery problems on this side of the pond, the folks living in the UK are dealing with the same sort of problem. Many Brits walk out their front door in the morning only to find some bloke pinched their ride the night before. While Dodge muscle cars and Kias are popular targets here, in the UK it seems criminals really like to swipe Ford Fiestas.
Scotland has quite the car firebomb problem. Check it out here.
Yes, this is a real, not a joke, so you can stop laughing now. If you’re been to the UK you know people in general there seem to really love Ford’s little toy hatchback for reasons we honestly don’t fully comprehend. Per government data from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Rivervale Leasing came to the conclusion the Ford Fiesta is the number one stolen car in the country.
Plot twist: the Fiesta is about to be discontinued in the UK. Take that, car thieves! What’re you going to steal now? Probably old Fiestas. After all, they have plenty to choose from and seem to be quite good at breaking into and starting them without a key.

Not surprisingly, some thieves in jolly ol’ England are a little smarter, realizing if they steal something that’s more expensive they might not have to swipe as many. That could explain why the Range Rover was the second most popular stolen vehicle in the UK.
Of course, Brits do love their crappy little hatchbacks, so the Ford Focus and Volkswagen Golf land at third and fourth on the list of most stolen cars, respectively. The Land Rover Discovery rounds out the top five.
What really disappoints us is the fact there’s nothing exciting in the top 15. At least here we have thieves stealing Hellcats or Shelby GT500s and leading police on some crazy chases, but in the UK they’re trying to get away in a low-speed pursuit using a Ford Fiesta.
Source: Rivervale Leasing
Images via Ford, Land Rover