Nothing is safe…
It seems like these days anything that’s not nailed down is fair game as far as thieves are concerned. While cars have been a huge target in the past few years (a problem which started before the pandemic ever started, just to clarify) it seems now criminals have fixed their sites on the lucrative radio control car market. That’s right, several were swiped from the Kamloops Summer Classic event held in British Columbia over the weekend of June 24-26.
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According to a local report, several radio control cars and some prizes for the event’s main raffle were stolen overnight on June 25. Everything was sitting out in the open in a public space, but people were camped at the location to prevent any problems. That didn’t deter the thief or thieves.

“It is so disappointing," Jason Mardon of Thompson Valley R/C Race Clubsaid. "This year was our biggest in attendance with 57 participants showing up from various cities in B.C. and Alberta."
According to Mardon, the cars used by participants range in value from about $300 to $1,300. Keep in mind this is in Canadian dollars, eh, so it would be a little less if you go south of the border. Still, that’s a pretty good chunk of change for someone to just swipe.

You could blame this incident on an enthusiast frustrated with the shortage of RC parts, particularly batteries, but we think it’s more likely they stole these vehicles to feed their family and donate money to a local orphanage. Or maybe they just wanted to come up with a sick build and they like stealing stuff. Whatever the reason, we don’t advocate stealing cars of any type, including of the RC persuasion. The only thing that was missing from this heist was a high-speed police pursuit.
Source: iNFOnews