Thieves Swipe Valet-Parked Luxury Cars In Florida

Jul 21, 2023 1 min read
Thieves Swipe Valet-Parked Luxury Cars In Florida

We’re seeing this all over the place…

Cars are getting harder and harder to hold onto these days, especially if you have the kind thieves want. While Dodge muscle cars and certain Kia/Hyundai models have been popular targets, luxury vehicles have always been a focus. Some owners found that out the hard way when they trusted their rides to a valet service in Tampa, Florida recently, according to Tampa Police Department.

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According to the department, these thefts have happened at multiple valet stands in Tampa, leading to the police department investigating what exactly is behind the “increasing trend.” We know many crimes like these are pulled off by organized units, theft rings that have a hand in shoplifting, drug trafficking, and other criminal enterprises. That could be very much be true here.

In the meantime, Tampa Police Department is telling valet services to “ensure that stands are never left unattended.” That probably means hiring more employees since it’s common to pull up to a vacant stand and have to wait for someone to run back from parking a car. And that likely means the cost of using valet services will increase for customers.

We’ve seen cars get swiped from valet lots many, many times. Some have been inside jobs while others were just crimes of opportunity. We can’t say which this is since we don’t have access to all the evidence. But we feel badly for the people who now have to deal with the insurance claim hassle, plus the financial hardship of buying a replacement vehicle.

Anyone who says replacing a stolen car that was insured obviously has never had to go through the process. It’s enough to shave a few years off your life. We hope police figure out who’s behind this uptick in valet thefts and prosecutors do all they can to send a message through their prosecution.

Image via Tampa Police Department

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