Car theft is getting even more out of control…
When we first started covering the car theft trend a few years ago, some people thought once lockdowns ended the problem would go away. Others believed it was the scarcity of new cars driving the trend. However, here we are well into 2023 and not only have car thefts increased in most areas, including heists at dealerships, vehicle factory storage lots, and even armed carjackings, we now have criminals targeting the police.
Find out what a security expert has to say about Dodge thefts here.
A report out of Memphis, Tennessee details out how a group of people were bold enough to break into the Memphis Police Department’s impound lot at the tail end of March. Once inside, they stole several cars, including Dodge Chargers. This is the sort of thing we used to see in movies but now it’s reality.
One of the cars stolen from the impound lot was a 2017 Dodge Charger that had been stolen. Belonging to a man in the military, his parents showed up to claim the Mopar only to learn it had been swiped while in police custody.

If that isn’t outrageous, the unidentified couple claim the police “didn’t know what cars were missing.” Yes, you read that right, these people say Memphis police didn’t have meticulous records of what vehicles were in the impound lot, so they weren’t exactly sure which ones had been stolen. Unbelievable.
Supposedly, police figured out which vehicles had been boosted from the impound lot as people showed up to their get rides out. The tally of stolen cars included three Dodge Chargers. The vehicle used to ram the gate open was recovered, probably because it sustained front-end damage including the radiator.
So car thefts have become so rampant and thieves have so little fear of the law they’re now stealing from police impound lots. This is where we’re at in 2023 everyone. It’s going to be a wild summer.
Source and images: WREG