Maybe he needed to get his steps in?
During rush hour traffic last week, a video shows a man in a Dodge Charger off the I-69 Southwest Freeway in Houston, Texas, flips the Charger, and gets out running. Videos posted on Reddit show the various angles of the shocking events unfold, and proves that us Dodge Charger owners are absolute hooligans.
Robert Perla was a witness of the incident and described being shocked after seeing the Charger traveling at a high rate of speed in the far right lane before crashing. After seeing the Charger flipped over, him and his friends we’re understandably concerned.
“I was pretty concerned,” Perla said. “I was like, ‘is the person OK? Are they alive?’”
But his concerns were quickly addressed when the driver appeared out of the Charger second later, and then took off after grabbing his shoes out of the overturned car.

“He seemed perfectly fine,” Perla said. “He just got out, grabbed his shoes and ran off.”
The intial video shows the driver in a panic as people approach, who were just concerned, not a flock of zombies, and then he bolted.
In the comments of this video, another user with a dashcam appears, God bless them, and it shows that this was a nasty crash before skidding to a stop in the OP's footage. Unfortunatly, we can't embed it, but you can see it here - it's quite the choatic view.
Trying to find more information in the comments of a Reddit post is about as easy as wrangling stray, rabid cats, and a local news station has a shrug of information, but it's safe to say the car was either stolen or the driver was intoxication, or both. Considering he was 'driving it like he stole it', he probably literally was. Another Charger bites the dust.