Tesla Cybertruck Gets Torture Tested

Apr 14, 2023 2 min read
Tesla Cybertruck Gets Torture Tested

Just how tough is this weird-looking thing?

When the Tesla Cybertruck rolled out onto the stage behind Elon Musk back in November 2019, we honestly thought it was a joke. It wasn’t until a few moments later it sunk in that the shiny, angular thing sitting on the stage wasn’t a prank but was in fact the actual prototype of the upcoming production truck. Almost four years later and after a crazy series of events, the Cybertruck is much delayed but Tesla is working hard to make people excited for it.

Check out Elon Musk’s cool car collection here.

One of the latest guerilla marketing tactics employed by the American EV brand is the release of drone footage from Tesla’s Fremont facility as it puts the Cybertruck through what we can only describe as torture testing, sort of.

Traditional automakers have large test facilities where they can put prototypes through all kinds of benchmarking to see just how far different designs can be pushed before they fail. Tesla has famously eschewed that and other traditional prototyping practices. Yet here we see a makeshift proving grounds set up outside the Fremont Factory, which is certainly curious.

The drone footage is played off like it’s unauthorized but if you believe that, we have a few bridges to sell you. Automakers guard against spying at their facilities and are notoriously secretive, so if something like this gets “leaked” it was probably intentional or even done by the company.

Still, it’s interesting to see the Tesla Cybertruck in action as it drives over a serious of speedbumps and other obstacles. Sure, they’re kind of weak sauce compared to what competitors put their vehicles through and we’d really love to see this thing in action somewhere like on the Rubicon Trail, but this at least gives us a taste, which probably the whole point.

Images via YouTube

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