Is this enough to save the fluttering automotive concept?
Does anybody out there remember the Tesla cyber truck? You know, the one that was supposed to have come out something like three years ago but keeps getting pushed back because of the company’s production strategies and modern industrial mayhem. It’s not all Tesla‘s fault that the cyber truck isn’t out yet, it has a lot to do with the market actually. Chip shortages are particularly detrimental to electric cars since they need more of those to function properly, Plus the cyber truck is just barely out of the testing phase as is. Despite these growing concerns regarding Tesla‘s ability to follow through, people are ready, willing and very eager to buy one.
See a Tesla burned to the ground here.
In fact, it’s just a been reported that Tesla has received 1.5 million pre-orders for the Tesla cyber truck. This could be very good for the company because a pre-order costed $100, something that is really admirable about this particular brand since other novelty automobile companies charge ridiculous prices for pre-order or build spots. Now, you have to understand that this means Tesla has about $150 million without actually having built the cars yet but they’ve likely spent more than that already just marketing the vehicle.

Not to mention the fact that $150 million isn’t exactly a big dent in the budget when it comes to building a car, or in this case 1.5 million of them. Elon Musk seems bound and determined to make production happen by mid 2023 and to be honest we’re absolutely rooting for him. Musk has been a major player in the automotive world for decades now and the cyber truck has always been a really cool concept. Let’s just hope that the money will help motivate the brand to put a fire under it and come out with a cyber truck that can still compete despite having been initially announced years ago.