Shreveport Police Have A Need For Mopar Speed

Jun 21, 2022 2 min read
Shreveport Police Have A Need For Mopar Speed

A plan was proposed for multiple Hellcats…

The Shreveport City Council has been debating about outfitting the police department with high-speed muscle cars. Originally, the proposal was to buy 4-6 Dodge Challenger Hellcats. After some debate among the members of the council, that was changed to 8 Dodge Chargers, we’re assuming not Hellcats, but maybe Scat Packs? The whole thing is pretty controversial.

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The Mopar muscle cars are intended for the Shreveport Police Community Response Unit, a squad of 6-8 members who focus on pockets of the city with particularly high levels of crime, especially of a violent nature. Since a lot of well-funded criminals drive fast cars, including Hellcats, it makes sense the police want something which can go toe-to-toe with what the bad guys have.

After the special unit was retired, it’s been brought back thanks to members of the community recognizing its importance. Now it’s just a matter of getting the right cars for them to do their job effectively.

According to a local report, those Challenger Hellcats would cost the city about $100,000 each. Before you think they’re crazy, keep in mind police vehicles have to receive unique upfits made for law enforcement, pushing the cost beyond what you would pay for a Hellcat. That price tag didn’t sit well with some members of the council, hence the alternative proposal was made.

Those 8 Dodge Chargers come at a total price of about $300,000, so around half the original amount. Still, a vote by the city council to send a resolution to the mayor for his approval of the spending ultimately failed, so not everyone was on board.

Instead of just giving up, the council president still asked the mayor to consider the spending request, to which the mayor responded in the affirmative.

Source: Shreveport Times

Photos via Shreveport Police Department

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