Don’t try this at home, kids…

If you don’t live where the temperatures drop well below freezing, the thought of driving on snow-packed or icy roads probably fills you with dread. Actually, if you live where snow is a regular occurrence you still might dread driving in the white stuff, but mostly because of the other drivers who can’t seem to figure it out. That brings us to Russia, land of crazy dashcam videos, seeming lawlessness on public roads, and people who drift their sports cars on snowy roads just for the hell of it.

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The two videos included with this article show two Russian drivers drifting their C6 Corvette Z06 and MK IV Supra hard on both snow-packed and cleared winter roads. Both cars feature some obvious cosmetic modifications, like the nose of the Chevy and the fact the Toyota is missing several body panels, maybe from crash damage?

Learning how to do this well, with both cars drifting through turns within inches of each other while navigating slippery surfaces surely came at a cost. In the second video we don’t just see the flawlessly executed drifts but actually see a few that didn’t go so well, sending the Z06 into a small snow drift on the side of the road. Surely these guys have suffered worse than that while perfecting this art.

Even if you’re a pro at winter driving, we don’t recommend imitating this on public roads. First of all, you never know when other cars might happen along, which could end in disaster. We’ll just assume this was all filmed on closed road courses, but we don’t really know if that’s the case or not. But you really shouldn’t try this at home, unless you have access to a private drive you can block off from traffic, then have fun and drift your heart out in the snow.

Check out the videos for yourself.

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