Retired Fire Chief Has The Classic Car Bug

Feb 27, 2025 2 min read
Retired Fire Chief Has The Classic Car Bug

We hear this infection just keeps spreading…

Life really is better when appreciating classic cars, as clearly demonstrated by Pat Aust, the retired Redondo Beach fire chief. It’s not really surprising to find someone in California who’s really into cars, considering at least at one point the Golden State was considered by many to be the mecca for automotive enthusiasts in the United States. Still, Aust’s collection is impressive and includes not only classic cars but also some firetrucks.

Find out how California is angering car enthusiasts here.
image credit: YouTube

Aust tries to keep his classic cars in fantastic condition. Unless he’s taking them to the occasional car show, he keeps them in the garage instead of risking that something could happen to them. While they might be garage queens, you have to admit examples like his 1948 Pontiac woody, 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, and 1946 Ford Coupe all look absolutely gorgeous.

image credit: YouTube

The man also says people gawk at them so much as he’s driving down the road, he’s afraid they’re going to cause an accident, which is such a first responder thing to worry about.

image credit: YouTube

Retired in 2003, Aust began collecting firefighter memorabilia when he first joined the fire department. He has a considerable array of signs, helmets, and even 3 classic firetrucks, which are the sorts of things plenty of boys and grown men fantasize about playing with.

image credit: YouTube

As you’ll see in the video tour of Aust’s classic car collection, the man is very protective of his toys. The journalist taking the tour half-jokingly asks how much it would cost for him to take one of the cars out for a spin later. Aust doesn’t think the question is funny, retorting that there’s no way anyone else will ever drive any of his cars. You hear that? After this man dies and the Pat Aust Collection goes to auction, he’ll personally haunt each and every enthusiast unlucky enough to have purchased one of his cars. Be scared, be very scared.

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