Naples Firefighters Extinguish Blaze in Classic Car

Mar 8, 2024 1 min read
Naples Firefighters Extinguish Blaze in Classic Car

This Corvette is toast!

Naples fire crews swiftly tackled a fire in a classic car, containing the flames within the engine compartment without any injuries reported.

In Naples, a classic car suddenly became engulfed in flames Tuesday evening, prompting a rapid response from local firefighters. The incident, which unfolded near the intersection of 7th Street S and 4th Avenue S around 7:33 p.m., saw flames emanating from the car's engine compartment. Naples Fire Rescue personnel were quick to arrive on the scene, successfully extinguishing the fire and preventing further damage or injury.

Fortunately, there were no injuries reported in the incident. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation, with authorities working to determine what sparked the blaze in the classic vehicle.

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