Man Steals Back His Stolen Rolls-Royce Dawn

Jan 27, 2025 2 min read
Man Steals Back His Stolen Rolls-Royce Dawn

At least they didn’t get away with it…

Car thieves continue to go shopping at dealerships and even people’s homes for whatever vehicle they want like there are zero consequences. While some are met with the wrong end of a gun, others see little resistance and even if caught get off with light sentences, if any at all. This helps explain why a group of crooks broke into a nice Staten Island home in New York at 4 am on June 12, then drove off with the owner’s Rolls-Royce Dawn Drophead. While the guy didn’t blow the thieves away, he did get his car back almost immediately.

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The thieves didn’t have a sophisticated plan to swipe the car – they just smashed a window using a rock, grabbed the keys to the Rolls-Royce Dawn Drophead, and drove off with it. They didn’t seem to care the house was occupied, likely because they believed the risk they’d be shot was low.

In just seconds, the owner was downstairs just in time to see the thieves pull away in his car, which was parked in the driveway. It’s probably a good thing he didn’t get down there sooner, because there’s a good chance those guys were armed.

After checking that his family hadn’t been hurt, the guy hopped on his computer and activated the factory GPS tracker, immediately pinpointing the Rolls’ location. Realizing they had crossed into New Jersey, the owner hit the remote kill switch, and the vehicle came to a rest in Newark. The owner believes the thieves tried to turn the engine back on before ultimately ditching the Dawn Drophead.

With the car disabled, the owner went to Newark and picked it up. He’s lucky the thieves didn’t figure out what he’d done and ambushed him outside the vehicle. Police say these guys are suspects in a whole string of break-ins and car thefts on Staten Island. They can’t be that good at what they do considering their tool of choice is a rock. That’s not to say they aren’t dangerous, because the risk of someone being seriously hurt of killed eventually is too much for comfort. Car thefts on Staten Island have shot up 114% so far in 2022.

This whole story is a good reminder that while some thieves use sophisticated technologies to swipe cars, other will absolutely turn to smash-and-grab tactics. Keeping your car in a locked garage out of sight at night helps lower the risk, as do other security measures.

Source: New York Post

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