Beloved Land Rover Defender Stolen

Apr 24, 2023 1 min read
Beloved Land Rover Defender Stolen

What car is safe these days?

Just like here in North America, car theft in the UK is rampant and only seems to be getting worse. Recently, a man in Cotswold, England had his beloved Land Rover Defender stolen while it sat in the parking lot of a train station. Now he’s sounding the alarm, warning others about the risks.

Learn how thieves are using headlights to steal cars here.

The Defender in question was parked at the train station on March 8. When the owner returned on March 15, it was gone. While the guy reported the theft to British Transport Police, a local report indicates that investigation has been stopped and the case closed. With so many car theft cases, not to mention other crimes, law enforcement agencies are practically chasing their own tails.

“They are taking people's pride and joy, that many of us have worked hard on,” James Barrett, the owner of the Land Rover Defender, told a local journalist.“For me, this was bought with money my father left me when he died, so it is extra painful. Please encourage locals to keep a vigilant eye out for any suspicious activity and if anyone sees anything suspicious please report it to the police immediately.”

At this point, we wouldn’t park at hobby car pretty much anywhere in public. Yes, that’s sad and it restricts how much fun you can have with it, but it’s true. Considering how easily a skilled thief can break into a classic car and hotwire it, you’re just asking for your ride to be stolen.

Yes, you can install an alarm, kill switch, etc. but some thieves are extra skilled and sometimes extra determined. Considering this Defender was sitting in a parking lot where people often leave their vehicles for hours at a time, the thieves likely knew they had plenty of time to get away with the off-roader. This is true at airports, malls, movie theaters, universities, etc.

Source: Cotswold Journal

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