So much for using Max to pull the sled…
One of the most cherished Christmas stories is Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It seems only fitting that if it were retold in 2022 the Grinch would use a 1,000-horsepower Shelby GT500, known as the Hennessey Venom, to get away with all those Christmas presents and the Who-ville town tree. At least this was the idea of Hennessey and it’s one we can fully endorse.
After all, Christmas is about more than Santa Clause, reindeer, decorating cookies, hanging lights on the house, and all those other traditions. The deeper meaning of the holiday is thinking of others and what better way to do that than to give the gift of happiness that just keeps giving.

We are, of course, talking about the gift of automotive performance. Sure, not all of us can afford a Hennessey Venom for Christmas, but hopefully you have a nice supercharger, a performance cam, or some other wonderful goodie wrapped and lovingly placed under the tree. After all, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is with a racecar loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear!
In the spirit of Christmas, Hennessey Performance decided to strap a tree with lights attached to the top of a Hennessey Venom, then take it for a high-speed run. That’s right, it’s a Shelby GT500 modified for top output of 1,000-hp, more than enough to overcome the additional turbulence of that evergreen up top. The professional driver behind the wheel was able to push the beastly pony to 192 mph, an impressive feat considering.
So check out the video of the run and enjoy. In fact, put it on the TV and gather the family around so they can all enjoy the true spirit of Christmas.
Images via YouTube