Dodge Charger Stolen During Atlanta Dealership Service Dropoff

Mar 15, 2022 2 min read
Dodge Charger Stolen During Atlanta Dealership Service Dropoff

Why won’t someone do something about all the car thefts?

The car theft wave has been going on for some time. You’ve likely been told that the coronavirus lockdowns were the root cause of the problem. And while they might have fueled some of the thefts, the reality is this trend started before COVID-19 was a thing. With few if any real consequences for the crimes committed, car thieves are becoming ever bolder.

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Case in point: a man named James Coleman had his 2020 Dodge Charger stolen in broad daylight when he dropped it off for servicing at a dealership. He brought the car to the Atlanta dealership on Stone Mountain Highway and left it in the line leading up to the service bay. An employee jumped in the car and moved it up the line and Coleman began to walk away.

However, the dealership employee left the keys in the Mopar. A man in a white Volkswagen (the report doesn’t say what model, a big peeve of ours) approached the Charger, climbed inside, and drove off. A second Charger was seen leaving behind Coleman’s. Understandably, the man was shocked to see his car stolen so brazenly.

That wasn’t the part which shocked us, sadly. We were more surprised to learn Coleman got his car back soon after. It was located in DeKalb County. Apparently, the thieves had crashed it not too long after the theft, so they decided to ditch the Dodge.

Now here’s where the real curve ball comes in. Coleman says his car insurance refuses to pay for the damage done to the Charger. We’re not entirely sure why, but it probably has something to do with their seeing the dealership as liable. However, the dealership also refuses to pay for the damage. What’s more, the dealer is holding the car until someone pays for the work they’ve performed on it.

The dealership’s attorney provided a statement to a local news channel. Part of it reads: “As for any damage to the customer’s vehicle, we are working with him and insurance companies on the resolution.” Considering thefts of customer cars at dealerships is a growing trend, this problem might be something you or someone you know encounters sooner or later.

Source: WSB-TV 2

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