During the second incident at this residence in one day, this homeowner's family was almost murdered by a car thief who lost control of a stolen Challenger.
Since the pandemic began, it seems like we have seen a spike in people being very unintelligent behind the wheel. We’ve seen everything from people rolling a stolen police cruiser to people outrunning police helicopters only to get caught talking on the phone in the middle of a field. There are two common themes with these videos that always seem to go viral that make the situation irresistibly funny. One, the lawbreakers are always caught and usually in a very humorous way, and two, no innocent people get hurt. It is all fun and games until someone does something that just cannot be taken back or fixed and that is what came close to happening to a Los Angeles resident and his family.

At 4:30 in the morning on September 20th, Degnet Abate got a very alarming awakening as an allegedly intoxicated driver lost control of a vehicle rolling it through his fence. While that is enough to make most people wary of their own neighborhood, it is reasonable to assume that Abate could have considered it an isolated event, albeit a scary one. However, less than 16 hours later while meeting with a contractor about fixing his fence from the first incident, lightning struck again. This time a Dodge Challenger plowed through Abate’s front yard and slammed into his front door throwing it off its hinges and into the living room where Abate’s wife and three children were sitting on the couch.

Luckily, Abate’s family received only minor injuries from being hurled off the couch and the driver of the car was picked up by officers only a few blocks from the scene. The female suspect allegedly stole the car from a couple at a nearby ATM shortly before losing control and smashing into the Abate family’s home. While this very dangerous incident had about as good of an outcome as possible, it really makes you what’s going on with people these days.