Corvette Driver Dies In Fiery Tavern Crash

Aug 24, 2021 2 min read
Corvette Driver Dies In Fiery Tavern Crash

Not good…

A Chevrolet Corvette crashed into an iconic Miami establishment, Duffy’s Tavern, killing the driver. Witnesses saw the American sports car catch fire after it slammed into the side of the building, but after it was put out and first responders arrived, the driver was declared dead. It’s the kind of horrific scene you never want to see unfold in real life, a stark reminder that none of us are invincible.

See dashcam footage of a stolen C8 Corvette wrecking out here.

The whole thing went down early on the morning of August 21. A neighbor said he heard a speeding car, stating from the sound it “must have been going like around 200 miles an hour.” Others who spoke with a local news team didn’t try to guess how fast the Corvette was traveling before the crash.

Before the Chevy hit the building, it clipped a van, which it’s assumed sent it careening off the road and into Duffy’s Tavern. The car impacted a desk in the establishment’s office. Luckily, the owner of the tavern, Wayne Russell, got up from his desk just a short while before, otherwise the crash could have been twice as deadly.

Russell says he went outside, saw the Corvette and that a fire had started in the rear of the car, so he grabbed fire extinguishers from inside and rushed back out to put out the fire. Another Good Samaritan who was driving by at the time stopped to help, using a fire extinguisher from the boat he was towing.

Fortunately, an elderly man who was driving the van wasn’t hurt after it was flipped on its side. Miami authorities haven’t released the name of the Corvette driver. This is a reminder that we all need to drive with care, because what might be a fun drive can quickly turn deadly, whether it’s because of something we or another driver might do.

Source: CBS Miami

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