Will he face any serious consequences for this?
It’s not every day you hear about the star cornerback for an SEC football team causing a serious accident behind the wheel of a Dodge Charger, but that’s exactly what Fred Davis II of Clemson is facing. The college football player surrendered to police on August 1 after causing the accident on July 21.
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According to a local report, Davis was going 115 mph in a 55-mph zone before he crashed into a US Postal Service truck. The USPS employee was severely injured when the vehicle he was in flipped after the Charger rear-ended it. The mail vehicle ended up in oncoming traffic and flipped over a guard rail, the collision was so violent. Clemson Police claim the injuries to the mail carrier are so serious they “will require several months of longer for recovery.”

What’s more, two cars trying to avoid hitting the USPS vehicle when it crossed in front of them, instead crashed into each other, injuring another person. The Dodge Charger Davis was driving also crossed the opposing lanes of traffic, hitting and going over the guard rail.
Clemson Police Chief Jorge Campos didn’t have many kind words for Davis. “These egregious and aggressive driving acts that result in serious injury to another need to have appropriate penalty,” he said. “In most cases, the injured suffer much pain, multiple medical procedures, lengthy recovery times, and whose freedom to live life injury free are taken from them. The offender, especially if they are not hurt, currently only have a few hurdles to navigate and get to live life freely, while the injured do not.”
For now, Davis is facing at least one misdemeanor reckless driving charge. It wouldn’t be surprising to learn more charges are filed later. He was booked into the Clemson City jail, but was able to make bond and has been released, of course.