Candles Burn Classic Car And More

Apr 25, 2023 1 min read
Candles Burn Classic Car And More

This is awful…

Candles can be dangerous things when they’re left unattended, a valuable lesson someone learned the hard way after some candles burned up a classic car, boats, and RVs. The fire, which was sparked in the wee morning hours of April 19 in Houston, Texas, thankfully involved no injuries but the damage was extensive.

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According to a local report, the situation began as two brothers who were renting space in the RV and boat storage facility as a workshop used some candles to light up a darkened area. With no electrical outlets in that part of the facility, they had to get creative. Obviously, a battery-operated lantern would’ve been a wiser choice.

District Chief Roland Silva with the Northwest Volunteer Fire Department detailed out to local journalists how the fire spread. "The candle was on top of a wooden dresser. The dresser caught on fire first, and once that caught on fire, anything that's flammable. It was right next to an old converted school bus that was like their shop, a makeshift shop for them."

Once the fire started it reportedly moved rapidly, with some thinking the brothers tried putting it out unsuccessfully before they called 911. Because there are no fire hydrants in the area, four fire departments had to respond with four tankers and seven engines to soak the raging inferno.

Ultimately, the classic car, up to six boats, up to ten RVs, and some construction equipment were lost in the inferno. The owner of the storage facility had to call the people whose property was destroyed, which we’re sure wasn’t a fun task at all.

If you’re working on a vehicle somewhere without overhead electrical lights, it’s a good idea to not use an open flame. Also, keeping a fire extinguisher that’s properly charged in the work area is wise.

Source and image: ABC 13

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