Then an accident threatened to decimate the dream…
Back when he was a teenager, Dwayne Christoffels saved up his money to the point he could afford what he thought was the coolest car: an Oldsmobile 442. However, his father thought the car was too powerful and too fast for a new driver, so Christoffels couldn’t buy it. Never forgetting what was almost his, he pined away after the American muscle cars all the way into his retirement years, until he finally bought one. Then an accident turned his dream into a living nightmare.
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It was Christoffels’ wife who originally found this vehicle all the way in Mesa, Arizona. Now that’s a supportive wife who took her own time to look for the muscle car she knew her husband would enjoy. We hope she’s also a fan of American muscle, but even if she isn’t she’s an amazing woman.

Despite not being the color Christoffels wanted, he bought the car anyway. It was loaded onto a transport and taken to his friend’s shop in Florida for a new paint job. On the way, the trailer rolled, crushing the Olds.
Most people would throw in the towel, deciding the accident was some sort of sign. Christoffels did the exact opposite, having his friend restore the whole thing instead of just painting it. The results are absolutely breathtaking. Take this ride to any show or meetup around the country and you’ll get more than plenty of stares.

The Sioux Falls, South Dakota man recently received the muscle car at his house while a local film crew was there to capture the moment and interview him. All that goes to show despite the claim made by some ignorant members of the media, Americans’ love affair with the automobile is far from a passing fad, but instead it’s alive and well.
Don’t ever give up on your dreams, kids. It might take longer than you’d like, but if you’re determined enough, you can accomplish all sorts of things. That includes owning a beautiful Oldsmobile 442 when you’re far older than the father who kept you from buying one in the first place.