This is a wagon lovers dream destination.
Sticking close to home in Traverse City, Michigan, Tom Cotter of Barn Find Hunter hits up an important lead on some interesting cars. Mike Nickels is a Woody restoration master, having worked on quite a few cars over the past few decades. As is always the case, having the right connections is the best way to ferret out interesting, well-hidden cars in a community, so take note for anyone wanting to uncover an amazing barn find.
Of course, this episode took a little bit of a turn for the unexpected, which is how life goes. Mike had some great cars stashed away and Tom was more than happy to check them out.
Anyone interested in Woodies will love watching the video below. They dive into plenty of history about the unique cars, something that sometimes can be hard to uncover. Hearing them going back and forth about maple, birds eye maple, oak, finger joints, etc. and the costs, it’s no wonder Woodies are expensive to restore and highly treasured by those who can afford them. It’s also great to see knowledge like that being passed on instead of lost forever.
If you’re a fan of wagons, and Tom definitely is, this episode is great. Both Ford and Plymouth wagons in the middle of being restored are featured. You get to see behind the curtain at how Mike restores these beautiful cars, and it looks like creative chaos everywhere. But there’s plenty of character and you can tell the man loves his job, which is always great to see.
Then there are military vehicles from WWII, which are always a lot of fun. Mike showed off an old Ford Staff Car, which has an inline six-cylinder engine instead of a flathead V8 like what you’d find in civilian Fords from back in the day. Mike explained the sixes were standard for military vehicles.
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