We rarely seek such a spectacle these days…
Detractors of the Acura NSX argue it’s a Honda in Ferrari clothing, a vehicle which looks like an exciting supercar but in fact is just a boring economy car. While everyone is entitled to their opinion of the NSX and every other ride out there, the video we’re including with this post should help prove that the Asian supercar is definitely a performance vehicle and shouldn’t be viewed in the same category as your beater econobox.
Check out a first-gen NSX with a widebody kit here.
Put together by the guys at Hoonigan, they’re crazy enough to really flog an NSX when others baby the supercar. While it’s entertaining to see the Acura do smoky donuts, we’ll be the first to admit it’s not the best at them. A high-powered muscle car does a much better job of roasting rubber, and perhaps that’s why we don’t see people trying to rip big burnouts in first-gen NSXs.

As you’ll see, the guy who just bought the supercar gives some good effort at getting the rear tires to break loose. The problem is only the inside tire would really spin, kicking out a decent amount of smoke but nothing phenomenal.
While disappointing for anyone who loves to see huge plumes of tire smoke kicked into the air, this does demonstrate that even when a driver tries to make the Acura NSX get a little crazy, the superior balance and handling doesn’t allow for the outside tire to break loose and only allows for minimal spin with the other tire. Depending on your opinion of what constitutes vehicle performance, you’ll view this as either impressive or ridiculous. We just think the NSX isn’t good at burnouts or donuts, or maybe they have the wrong tires.

To show this wasn’t a case of driver error, we’ve included a couple of videos of other drivers trying to do some smokey donuts using an NSX. In one of them, a guy tries doing a stationary burnout, which produces a much better result. In that video he’s “getting rid of old tires” so maybe the lack of traction is a contributing factor. Whatever the reason, seeing an NSX get abused this way is fun to watch.