Would you rescue any of these?
As horrific as it can be, we love seeing some interesting field find, or maybe more accurately in this case forest find, classic cars. Maybe it’s the same reason why watching a horror movie can be fun, because you get the mix of anticipation, the thrill of discovery, and yet there’s a sense of danger swirled with dread in the situation. All that is definitely present with this stash of vehicles.
See a field find Toyota Supra get a second chance here.
Now a lot of people would look at these rusty heaps surrounded by trees and immediately declare they’re trash. They sure don’t look great, what with broken out windows, big dents in many, and other obvious damage/missing parts. Not everyone who would immediately give up on these rides is a non-car person, they’re that rough.
But we admittedly have seen much worse. Still, we know that bringing any of these rides back to their former glory, or anywhere near it, would require not only mountains of effort but a good chunk of cash each.

That’s where the real debate starts: are these cars worth restoring? If you’re a professional flipper you have to know a lot about each one before deciding to sink any money into them, including what the market for a ride like it is like and what it likely will be like by the time the restoration process is complete. And you have to know how much parts are going to set you back. Spending $90,000 to restore a car that will get you $60,000 on the open market is a bad investment.
But for some the choice to restore one of these would be purely emotional. Do you see any rides you would just love to have and fix up?
The video comes via a smaller YouTube channel called Nobody’s Show. Not only does the guy uncover interesting stashes like this, he attends shows and profiles nicely restored rides in his neck of the woods. If you like the video you might consider subscribing to his channel.