How to lose your job in three easy steps.
Classic car owners in California already have enough to worry about these days thanks to the fallout of Kevin Hart and his infamuos 'Cuda, but who knew that a group of classics would face any danger while roped off at a major auto show. That's exactly what happened at the Sacramento International Auto Show over the weekend when display cars were climbed on and damaged by Good Day Sacramento reporter, Angel Cardenas. Clarify that, former reporter.
During a typical live morning broadcast promoting the auto show, Cardenas snuck behind a roped-off area where a group of classic Ford Thunderbirds – privately owned by members of the Sacramento Classic Thunderbird Club – were on display. To the horror of car lovers, Cardenas starts by jumping onto the trunk of one Thunderbird before attempting to get into another, at which time he opened the door dinging another car. You'd think after that kind of nonsense, Cardenas would have wised up, but he had one more trick up his sleeve as he attempts a Dukes Of Hazzard-style hood slide on a brand-new 2020 Ford Explorer Hybrid.
The incidents were all broadcast on live TV, which, as you might expect, resulted in Cardenas being fired. In addition to ridding itself of the incompetent reporter, the station, KMAX TV, removed the footage. Fortunately, on Sacremento-area resident took a video of the broadcast and posted it on Facebook (caution, some language NSFW).
The producer of the auto show reached out to KMAX TV in regards to the damage, and the station's general manager called the auto show to inform them that Cardenas had been terminated.
"After the Producer of the Sacramento International Auto Show reached out to the General Manager of KMAX TV regarding yesterday's astonishingly awful incident, she received a call this morning from the GM that the reporter from the Good Day Sacramento segment has been terminated immediately and the station expressed their sincerest apologies for the incident."
Less than an hour after his show floor shenanigans, Cardenas shows that he's better behaved when he's being babysat as he managed to do another segment around exotic cars without touching or damaging any.

h/t: Tire Meets Road