Just remove the rare hardtop, and this sleek Cobra replica is the perfect sunny weekend roadster.
Most car enthusiasts can spot a Shelby Cobra coming from a mile away with its distinguishabe features, but the question is if the car is original or not. Most of the time, it's likely a replica paying homage to its '60s roots. Honestly, owning an authentic replica is the perfect solution for any Shelby enthusiast. Backdraft Racing is an industry-leader when it comes to building high-quality, geniune replicas with meticulous attention to detail. Here's the perfect chance to take home a custom 1965 Cobra by Backdraft Racing as it is currently open for bids through Awesome Joe's Auction.

Basically brand new, this '65 Cobra replica has just 5,881 miles on the ticker. It's exterior is painted a shiny steel gray topped with black racing stripes. Even better, this example features a rare removable hardtop. The cockpit of this Shelby replica features to a clean gray leather interior, and this one is equipped with the rarity of air conditioning.
Powering this custom replica is a 302cui V8 stroker motor that generates a stout 400-horsepower and 390 lb/ft of torque shifted by a manual transmission. New components installed include the carburetor, brake rotors, rear axles, and MSD igniton. According to the description, this turn-key Shelby replica performs flawlessly and is ready to go.

Again, Backdraft Racing is known for their high-quality authentic replicas, and it is guaranteed to turn heads no matter if it's at the local gas station or any car show. Founded in 2001 by two world champion auto racers, Tony and Reg Dodd, the company builds these cars in a state-of-the-art facility that measures 53,000 square feet using only the best equipment and materials. They are located in Boynton Beach, Florida.
If interested in parking this custom '65 Cobra by Backdraft Racing in your garage, there are still 6 days left to place that winning bid through Awesome Joe's Auction. Currently, the bid is at $16,250 after 12 bidders.