This replica is half the price and twice the fun of an original.
Much like the AC Cobra and Porsche 356, the Austin-Healey 3000 is popular in the replicar world thanks to its timeless looks and low production. Classic Roadsters had a broad lineup of European sports car replicas including a souped-up version of the Austin-Healey 3000 called the Sebring 5000 MX. If you're looking for a fun, high-quality replica, then check out this car currently being sold by JD's Classic & Muscle Car Sales.

Built in 1990, this Austin-Healey 3000 replica has definitely been enjoyed over the years with about 72,000 miles on the car, but it has also been treated well including a recent overhaul leaving just 800 miles on the current driveline. As for what's under the hood, this is powered by the Chevy 302 CID V8 (designed for the first-gen Camaro Z/28), and it was built for strength and reliability with aluminum heads, roller cam, electronic ignition and tunable electronic fuel injection with velocity stacks.
This engine is rated at 435 horsepower, which is a big step up from the 134-horsepower output of an original Austin-Healey 3000. To handle all that power, this car has a full steel tub chassis with Mustang II front suspension, a Muncie M22 four-speed manual transmission and an eight-inch Ford rear end.

This car was built to look like the 1962 Austin-Healey 3000 (the first year for the Mk II version), but being the Sebring MX model, it is instantly recognizable as a replica with its wide-body wheel openings. It still has the classic styling elements such as the fender-mounted mirrors, two-tone paint job and real knock-off Dayton wire wheels. The listing says that this car has a show-quality exterior and interior, and the images definitely seem to back that statement up.
If you want a classic British sports car that you can enjoy on an everyday basis, then check out this Austin-Healey 3000 replica. JD's Classic & Muscle Car Sales currently has it listed for $37,500, but you can click HERE to make an offer.