John DeLorean was an icon of the automotive world, but also a controversial one. This new movie tells his story
Regardless of your take on his 1982 FBI charges, John DeLorean was a remarkable man within the automotive world, and his wider life. Still to this day the youngest division head General Motors ever appointed, DeLorean lived the life of a Hollywood star, with a supermodel wife and his own sports car company. His rise and fall has always been ripe for a movie plot, and finally the DeLorean story gets its cinematic debut this year.
Hitting theaters and video on demand services on June 7, 2019, Framing John DeLorean is set to be an intriguing mix of archive footage and more traditional acted story telling. The trailer depicts John’s vision, sometimes not shared by his colleagues, and his ability to follow it through with conviction. The centerpiece of these clips is the revealing of the DeLorean DMC-12, something that’s done in stylish 1980s fashion.

The lead role is fulfilled by Alec Baldwin, who has a striking resemblance to DeLorean when in makeup. Baldwin is famed for his roles in iconic movies such as The Departed, or more recently Mission Impossible: Fallout, but he is also well know for his fantastic impersonations. His talent for picking up on mannerism and tone of voice appears to have served him well as John DeLorean.
Zachary DeLorean, John’s son, is asked, "are you surprised a feature film hasn’t been made about your dad?" to which he replies, "Yeah. He’s got cocaine, hot chicks, sports cars, bombed out buildings, Margret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, FBI agents, hardcore drug dealers." The last Die Hard movie didn’t have half of these things, so it’s set to be an action packed retelling of DeLorean’s incredible life.
John DeLorean died from a stroke on March 19, 2005, aged 80, but we can’t help put wonder what his thoughts would be on this biopic. He once stated ‘a number of people have been wanting to do a movie of my life.’
If the trailer is anything to go by, we’re in for a wild ride.