This Shelby replica is the pinnacle of racing technology.
If you ever see the work that comes out of Factory Five, then you’ll understand just how good at replicating cobras the brand seems to be. Whether you’re looking for a pristine show car or raw racer, Factory Five has you covered. That’s exactly what makes this particular cobra so enticing on the classic car market. So what exactly makes this the perfect replica classic racer?

First of all, it was built in 2020 which means that you can rest assured knowing that it doesn’t come with any of the normal problems associated with a classic car. On top of that, being a race car it needs to have a race car engine under the hood. That’s exactly why it utilizes what was once a 302 in.³ Ford racing V8 engine but is now machined to fit 347 cubic-inch of displacement. All of this is well and good but you might be wondering how true to the original car actually is.

Emboldened in the iconic racing blue used by many Shelby automobiles, this Cobra strives to pay tribute to its predecessors while still keeping things pretty modern. It accomplishes this with a set of white racing stripes that reflect its personality and vintage performance wheels. Among other exterior features, these allow anyone looking onto the car to see exactly what it’s made for. In spirit, this is the closest thing you can find to a true Shelby cover these days without some seriously hard looking because they were both built to be race cars and both represent the greatest mechanical achievements of their time. If you feel like you can tango with this beast, you better hurry and get your hands on this cobra for someone else to drive off in it.

Join us in comfort and convenience on your phone, computer or device of your choice for the 4th Annual Intermountain Online Classic Car Auction! An excellent line-up of classic and collector cars are presented for sale at auction through our online bidding partner, Proxibid. A limited number of Road Art/Memorabilia items will be sold as well. Bidding opens on lots at 8am MST on Saturday, March 11th. Bidding closes on lots beginning at 10am MST on Saturday, March, 18th. Cars close in 3 minute increments according to run order. 50+ lots are expected with some of the region's finest classic and collector cars for sale at our Online Only Auction, Saturday, March 18th. Mark your calendar to start bidding on Saturday, March 11!