Here's a chance to save countless lives of kids in need through Mecum Auctions.
Automobile auctions are some of the most attended and highly anticipated events in the car community. They present a tremendous opportunity to obtain your dream car for the price of your choice. Some highly respected auction houses have made a name for themselves in modern times where others have failed. Mecum Auctions comes to mind as one of those Auctioneers whose legacy has penetrated even the deepest parts of our community, and now they are on a mission to help the brave kids in cancer wards everywhere. This incredibly noble cause will be administered by selling a special bidder badge from a big name in the automotive industry, Terry Michaelis.

This industry tycoon is the current co-owner of ProTeam Corvette in Napoleon, Ohio, responsible for a ton of the world's most vivacious 'Vettes ever to hit the track. A long-time Mecum Customer, Terry is a highly valued member of the Mecum community. Now his No. 1 Bidder Badge is up for auction to benefit a charity dedicated to curing childhood cancer. This endeavor is made possible by the Curing Kids Cancer cause, whose name perfectly and bluntly reflects the ideas that fuel the group's passion for medicine and fundraising.

Last year, it may, the No. 2 Bidder Badge was put up for auction for the exact cause, and it accomplished its goal of helping the charity quite well. These auctions are part of a series of badges whose owners want something special for this incredible cause. On top of being an extremely noble message, the Curing Kids Cancer charity is also very trustworthy and reliable as they have been working directly with Mecum auctions since 2011. This is the perfect purchase for any automotive enthusiast looking for a piece of automotive history that will be around for decades to come while also bringing the miracle of life back to the kids to whom nature has dealt a terrible hand. Not only will you be saving countless lives, but you will also have a remarkable piece of memorabilia to commemorate the special occasion.