Custom 1949 Ford Sedan Hits The Auction Block In Search Of A New Owner

Nov 2, 2021 2 min read
Custom 1949 Ford Sedan Hits The Auction Block In Search Of A New Owner

This fully restored custom Ford V8 is looking to travel the two-lane blacktop with  a new owner, will it be you?

The picture of a 1940's Ford V8 is generally accepted as one of the most significant and highly recognizable symbols within the car community. One reason for this was the original Ford V8 in the prohibition era in which outlaws needed fast cars to escape police capture. However, another, and dare we say even more famous, time for these incredible and powerful automobiles was the early '50s. This period was defined by the rock and roll style that the cars began to take on, with builders creating custom hotrods to match their personalities. Unfortunately, these cars have become extremely hard to come by as numbers have dwindled significantly. So what are you to do if you want a custom '50s hot rod?

Fortunately, we have just the answer you've been searching for. Under the hood of this incredible custom 1949 Ford Sedan is a potent small-block 350 ci Ford V8 engine with six Stromberg 97 Carburetors. All of that power is sent through a Turbo 400 transmission and ends in a 12-bolt rear end to spin the whitewall tires. The exhaust system utilizes Long Tube Ceramic Coated Headers, and Custom Exhaust with Electric Dumps to produce a beautiful sound to accompany the glorious red flaming exterior.

This car was fully customized by George Barris in 1954 and has since received a complete nut and bolt restoration to ensure that the intense craftsmanship stays intact for decades to come. Of course, the original builder was highly proud of his work and even went to sign the chrome dash to commemorate the experience. This chopped top '40s Ford also sports a lot of the power functions that we've all come to expect in our modern-day cruisers, such as power windows, power steering, and power brakes which allow you to have fun while you drive and still give you all of the performance that you desire.

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