Would you give this confused Chevy a home?
A lot of confusion comes about from well-intentioned mothers telling their children they can become anything they want to be as long as their put their mind to it. We see the effects all around us, and it unfortunately has bled into the automotive world. A prime case is this 1991 Camaro which wears a 2011 COPO Camaro body kit. Just looking at this thing should fill you with confusion.
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Notice we said “fill you with confusion” without saying whether that’s a good or bad thing. Some will jump to conclusions, but we actually think this one is in the eye of the beholder. You can rightfully love the look of this machine or you can feel justified in believing it’s not beautiful, no matter the amount of authoritarian tolerance anyone tries to impose on you.

Usually, we see modern cars wearing body panels fashioned to make them look like some classic, like C6 Corvettes wearing C1-style body kits. The fact this is a 3rd-Gen wearing 5th-Gen skin makes this build unusual, to say the least. But does that make it attractive or ugly?

This ’91 Camaro has more than just the ’11 COPO kit going for it. A 5-speed manual is a definitely plus and so are the T-tops. You can see from the photos the interior is clean and the body looks pretty good, save some blemishes on the nose. According to the dealership selling it, the tires are at about 75 percent. They also say the muscle car runs without problems, so it should be a turnkey purchase if you decide to take the plunge.

Just remember, this is not your average Camaro. Someone sunk a lot of time and money to create something completely unique. You don’t just arrive in this vehicle, you make a lasting impression. So would you go for it?
Check out the listing here.