The law Down Under isn’t messing around these days…
You would think by now everyone in Australia is scared to even spit gum on the sidewalk, but police in Caloundra recently arrested a driver for hooning hard on public roads. The modified Nissan Silvia was roasting its tires furiously on a stretch of road in the coastal town located in South East Queensland. Video uploaded to YouTube shows the stunt, including some people who gathered on a street corner to cheer the guy on. Considering no fun is allowed in the land of kangaroos and koalas, one can hardly blame them.
See the cops attracted to donuts in an Atlanta parking lot here.
However, snitches are everywhere and someone tipped off the cops. An investigation by the Sunshine Coast Highway Patrol (ironic name, isn’t it?) lead to a search warrant which was executed at a Caloundra address near where the heinous crime of tire murder was committed.

Of course, police found the infamous modified Nissan Silvia and proceeded to seize it and arrest the accused driver. Since the video of the incident and the arrest blurs the faces of everyone, you can’t tell if it’s the same guy or not, but police obviously have reason to believe it is.
That driver, a 39-year-old man, has been charged with a count of dangerous operation of a vehicle and a count of “wilful damage” (that’s how the Aussies spell it because they’re kind of silly). What that means is the guy left tire marks on the road, which we believe is some sort of hate speech towards platypuses. Joking aside, police claim the hot tire marks on the pavement constitute “damage to the road.” Yep, Australian police are pretty much drunk with delusional power at this point.
Apparently, there was some sort of “anti-hooning” legislation passed back in April, which is what is being used against this guy. No fun is allowed in Australia anymore, not that we advocate reckless driving, but wow things are really far-gone Down Under.
Source: Carscoops